Dr Kroger Daniel Logo
Over 25 Years Serving The West Chester Area
Dr Kroger Daniel Logo
Serving The West Chester Area For Over 25 Years
Dr. Daniel J. Kroger - logo
Serving The West Chester Area For Over 25 Years

Personalized and Professional Eyecare in West Chester

Call To Schedule Your Appointment Now! (513) 777-3936


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Why Choose us

Over 25 years of experience

Affordable and effective solutions 


Excellent service and communication

The newest technology in progressive multifocal lenses and lens tints 

We can help you see clearly again!

Dr. Daniel J. Kroger has been providing professional optometric care in West Chester, OH for 25 years. Whether it’s your first pair of glasses or a check-up on your current prescription, we look forward to helping you with your vision needs.

Our optical care specialists are committed to providing every patient with quality eye care. We use the latest technology to offer cutting-edge services, while focusing on our patients. Seeing clearly is just one part of your overall eye health. It's important to have regular eye exams for overall eye wellness and protection.

If you need glasses or contacts, we offer a large selection of top-brand glasses and contact lenses. Our experts can help you choose what lenses and frames best fit your face. Come in and see us today!
  • Guess Eyeglasses

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Based in West Chester, our practice offers a full range of optical services for the entire family, including:
  • Comprehensive eye exams
  • Testing for glaucoma and cataracts
  • Diagnosis of ocular diseases
  • Contact lens and eyewear fitting
And much more! We are committed to helping you preserve the health of your eyes. Stop by or contact our office today for more information.

About Us

Our mission is to provide our patients with the best in vision care services. W e have brought together a dedicated staff to create a professional, yet personal optometric practice. We are also committed to keeping our services and eyewear affordable. We accept most insurance plans and will work with you to meet your eye care needs.

When you visit our office, you can expect top quality eye care. We are committed to helping every patient achieve optimal eyesight. 

 Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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